This year has seen KCR-FM come of age as a Radio Station. We received our permanent licence formally on March 1st 2003 for the next seven years.
KCR-FM became a properly structured business for the first time in June 2002. The various committees were restructured as Departments, the Heads of Department put reports in once a month to the Committee of Management to ensure the COM (Committee of Management) are kept informed. The Departments are completely autonomous. We run on a flat management approach which has proved to be very successful.
It was also in June 2002 that due to natural attrition, illness and resignations the Committee of Management was completely restructured, and all Heads of Department were seconded onto the Committee of Management, ensuring that there was a clear, effective and methodical flow of management decision making.
KCR-FM did not have a proper business and management plan, nor did it have a proper infrastructure, both of which have been formulated since June 2002, and are available for viewing by the members.
The Business and Public Relations Strategic Plan runs from 2002-2007. This document details where KCR is going and how it aims to get there. This document is used when KCR applies for Grants and is also available to the Sponsors if they so desire. Some of the public relations strategies are already being implemented.
The first is the Kalamunda High School who are at present designing and working on the Mural which will be placed on the front wall of KCR-FM facing Mead Street. This is being carried out by their Saturday Special Arts Group. Paintings for the inside of the building are also being produced.
The gardens are having a professional landscape plan designed by Jacqui Hooper of Zanthorrea Nursey,. She has offered her services free. Various community groups including Rotary have offered their services to implement the landscaping plans. This will mean the fences around the perimeter will come down and we have gardens which will be open to the general public to sit in and listen to piped music and programmes from KCR. The gardens will become a local arboretum. Some of the trees in KCR’S grounds have historical bearing and the development of this area will also be of benefit from an environmental point of view.
This year I have gone out into the business community to raise awareness of KCR-FM with potential local sponsors. I am on the Board of the Kalamunda and districts Chamber of Commerce, I attend the Cygnet Business meetings, keeping the local business community aware of what is happening at KCR. I have also become a member of the Business and Professional Women’s Association to again keep up the profile of KCR-FM.
I have also represented KCR-FM at several public events to profile and publicise the station.
Monica Martinovich
Chairperson KCR-FM